Friday, June 11, 2010

From the Glen to the Pirate's Gold

From the Glen to the Pirate's Gold

Every time a soul was in need,
A hunger any where to feed,
A wound that did bleed,
I would help like rain grows a seed,
Like rain grows a seed.

To help a stranger,
To help a neighbor,
To do a favor,
Never a kinder soul than I,
Never a kinder soul than I.

My name is Will McJohnson,
I come from a glen peaceful green,
And I heard of a tall sailing ship,
To places never seen,
To places never seen.

Then I said “Please captain Please,”
“I want to sail the seas,”
“I'll swab the deck and man the sail,”
Said the captain, “You'll stay alive if you never fail,”
“You'll stay alive if you never fail.”

So we hauled a load of pork and beef,
To trade for coins of gold,
For the cargo we had sold,
But pirates were waiting for the gold,
Waiting for the gold.

They fired their cannons,
Yelled “We've come from hell,”
“To take your gold,”
“Join us for your life as well,”
“For your life as well.”

Right and wrong fled me,
Like the morning dew,
It did not matter good or bad,
To keep my life was all I knew,
Keep my life was all I knew.

They taught me their vicious trade,
To slaughter crews,
For riches made,
Stealing gold was all we knew,
Gold was all we knew.

In time the admiral of the pirates,
By sword and pistol was sent to hell,
Many throats he cut quite well,
They chose a new admiral that wouldn't fail,
A new admiral that wouldn't fail.

I was chosen to lead the fleet,
To plunder, slaughter, to steal gold,
Many a young sailor his maker meet,
Not even the devil could me beat,
Not the devil could me beat.

The navies of the world,
Said they must stop our noble brand,
Stop our plunder of all land,
Leave nothing but bare sand,
Leave nothing but bare sand.

They built great machines,
To destroy enemies in war,
Destruction never seen before,
They thought that's what machines were for,
What machines were for.

They met us on the open sea,
With a typhoon behind us,
Ordered us to surrender early,
Or their machines would show no mercy,
Machines show no mercy.

And my cowardly cutthroats turned and ran,
Into the typhoon,
And the devil took them every man,
My ship stood alone against the navy band,
Stood alone against the navy band.

I then sat upon a cannon,
With a bottle of rum,
Send them all to hell boys,
Tell the devil here they come,
Tell the devil here they come.

But our keel broke and our masts over lain,
To machines with no mercy,
They hauled us off every one,
And they clapped me in their chain,
Clapped me in their chain.

And all Earth's people bowed and prayed,
To what the machines had made,
But when the truth is told,
A story quite bold,
All is bought with stolen gold,
All is bought with stolen gold.

But here I stand at the gallows,
To be hanged for all to see,
The admiral of the pirates,
There will be no gold for me boys,
By damn no gold for me.

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